
“Some fish love to swim upstream. Some people love to overcome challenges.” Amit Ray. Nandrianina and Litasoa walked down in the bustling wharfage, stinking of the lifeless fish and seaweed. They walked past the decrepit old fishing boats and their owners, all surrounded by wooden lobster pots and rope nets, before they noticed a body by the shore. His body was shivering; it was as though his blood was frozen in his veins. Before Listasoa’s boots were submerged in water, his skin was already rough with goosebumps, “How could he be alive?” he asked Nandrianina as they rushed to check on the man. “How could he have survived the icy water? Surely he must be God’s favourite son”, said Litasoa as he tried to confirm the man’s pulse. Nandrianina was preparing himself to perform CPR if the man needed any form of resuscitation. The two used a commercialized tricycle as a major means of transport to ferry their fish. “He is alive, we need to take him to the old man”, shouted Li...