
“I do not ask for a lighter burden but broader shoulders” Jewish proverb. Winniey Mutheu Photo by rarepixel Inc. “ We do not describe the world we see; we see the world we describe'' Rene Descartes. These were the words that welcomed us to our usual reflective weekend at the old man’s getaway home. It had been a brilliant Saturday morning and we had undeniably been experiencing a tranquil and serene environment. We had spent hours walking by the coastline as the sun gleamed at the dry sand kissed by the water, appearing like an earth rainbow. The iridescent colours kept us reflecting on life’s experiences and how it needs both sun and rain metaphorically to create a rainbow we call life. The long walks by numerous coconut trees that formed a prodigious pattern presented an opportunity for us to share various experiences. Jafari who was always chatty, clever, friendly and easy-going, had developed a shell that he always found comfort in the past few months. After a peri...