Poem by Mutua W. Mutheu (Silent Volcano) 

Part I 

From silence to whisper

It was that time when ambassadors and alligators confine,

Time when the fate of the living would align,

Some were sipping wine, consciousness to resign,

While the religious went to the shrine,

Hoping that this time, just this time everything would realign,


Aldric, was moving on the slower lane,

Contrary to the greater universe, all the expectations to disillusion,

Externalities brought in confusion,

The city was dark and in seclusion,

But somehow, Aldric's light was viewed as an occlusion,

A stumbling block to the conclusion,


Stay silent, they said,

Be vocal not, or else......

Tremors and shivers,

Was all Aldric had become, forgetting the expected delivers,

Trickling rains and flowing rivers,

Both meant nothing, just as painful as blisters,


Part II

Like tossing the dice,

Rovana, looking for a way to get rid of Aldric,

One way to die or six ways to be precise,

Like a life that would count as a price,

A price pay, he had no vice,

Tried once, then twice...then thrice,


Life was escaping Rovana,

He tore every piece in him, not to fix himself,

But to gain it all for himself,

As though the mass bombings weren't enough,

Uncalled panic mode was the order,

Survival for the tough,


His Cigar  slowly burning down,

Filling the basement with a cloud of smoke,

Smiling mirthlessly, he said, 'I shall rule forever,

Then the room burst out into a peal of devious laughter,

Cracking through the walls,

Pushing all the nicotine to the rafters,


Part III 

Everyone had had enough,

Noticing Aldric's suppression,

The people gathered at the city hall to start their procession,

Aldric, 'The man of the people gave all he could for this,

Not for himself, but for the people to come out alive,

The young, the old, the straight, the gay, the political and non-political cal confined, for their souls to save,


Aldric had this sense of calmness in him,

His wealth came with so much modesty,

His desires had gained trust as opposed to distrust,

In the quietude, he was a brilliant conversationalist,

Not to forget his acts of a philanthropist,

He was still alive, surviving every death spell cast,


On the podium he stood, spoke his thoughts,

He had the crowd bow to his illustriousness,

It was clear that the dice had been cast,

He was the Supreme one,

He had to work out the cards he'd been dealt,

Lost for words, he gave the instructions for the procession to Rovana's territory,


Part IV 

Through the echoes of fading laughter,

The chant was clearly audible,

It was loud and said with great conviction,

Rovana was growing nervous,

And he knew it was the day for his crucifixion,


The sky was turning grey,

With a distant ray of blinding yet defining strike of lightning,

Striking so wildly to ignition,

As though the heavens had heard; we can call God a superb tactician,

Rovana's castle crumbling down to smoke emission,

He had to come out and face his monsters, the monsters he let his ego created


Wounded and shaken,

Moving in an oblique manner,

He knew his manor had fallen and so was he,

He still said some spells, the great ones this time, hoping that Aldric would fall for once and for all,

The thunder getting louder; the lightning was striking harder, and the swords were moving faster,

It was blood for blood and master for master,

Like leaf blown in the air, they quickly carried Aldric from the scene,

It was chaos yet so artistic like a déjà vu once foreseen,


Part V

The rain had subsided,

The day was coming to an end,

The loud chants now being sighs of relief,

It was time for the council to give its verdict,

The decision was clear, anticipating that the choice of the people would be picked,

It was a long time coming for change from lifeless to full of life,


The full moon was hanging, giving a dazzling light from above,

This steered all good feelings within,

And those that had been on the edge of this thing call life, without,

Called twice, it was Aldric's time to rule,

Behold power was in Aldric’s hands, and together with the people he was a superpower,


Inhaling and exhaling, Rovana's lifeless body quickly covered with water, from the vigorous rainfall,

He had hardly survived this one; it was time for a new ruler,

It was time for Aldric to render him powerless,

Inhale greatness to this new chapter,

Having survived the spells, the gods had spoken; he was the immortal one,

And his greatness shall be known to kingdoms above and beyond,



Aldric was indeed a celestial being,

The sensation of him being the ruler was free,

From then and forever, he shall be.....


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